Saturday, May 5, 2007

What the.........?

OK, so those of you who have been doing this a while probably don't even blink at such occurrences, but I am definitely a little weirded out by the fact that my last post was linked to the New York Personal Injury Law Blog.

Linkage to other ER blogs, or other sarcastic blogs, etc, etc, I can understand. But who sicced the piranhas on my blog? Ambulance Driver probably has experience with this, seeings how they're ambulance chasers and all, but I gotta say, I'm looking over my shoulder right now, and I'm feeling a bit creepy.


Anonymous said...

lol! The personal injury blog has been mentioned by Flea [], too - so I imagine that they may have come across yours via Flea's xD... must be kind of spooky, though!

Eric Turkewitz said...

You write well, and the story of the nursing home that doesn't have its act together was a good example of how and why folks find their way to lawyers offices.

I'm not interested in just linking to posts about bad stuff that happens, but also how to avoid it to begin with.


MonkeyGirl said...

Mr. Turkewitz;
Thank you for the compliment. However, the fact that you left a comment mere hours after my second post kinda weirds me out, too. I will try to keep the piranha and ambulance chaser references to a minimum just in case you choose to return.

In all seriousness, though, nursing homes are a huge source of preventable "bad stuff". Ambulance Driver has a great post about nursing homes; anyone who hasn't read it should do so.

Full-On-Forward said...

That would freak me out too- Sorry that happened! We got your back!!


Ambulance Driver said...

I won't get into the whole argument about medical torts and personal injury law. Kevin, MD and GruntDoc post much more intelligently about those issues than I ever will.

But I will offer some free advice:

1. Document well.
2. Be nice.
3. In the event that #2 is not an option, see #1.

Best lawyer repellent there is.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog (found it through Flea) and have nothing to do with medicine... Having said that, I find it remarkable that you seem almost scared of this development, as opposed to - I don't know - honored? happy?

It seems like Doctors are conditioned to distrust lawyers on sight. Which is probably wise for you guys, but still remarkable.

Anonymous said...

the fact that you left a comment mere hours after my second post kinda weirds me out, too.

Either I am the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-mighty king of the internet, or I checked technorati when I woke up yesterday.

I will try to keep the piranha and ambulance chaser references to a minimum just in case you choose to return.

It's a real problem. There are people like that. Just as there are bad cops, bad priests, bad docs, etc., so too are there some bad lawyers. Nobody wants to see them rooted out of our society more than I.


Just A Midwife said...

That would weird me out too...I blog for stress relief & as a way to expel my venom to keep it from poisoning my soul...the last thing I want is attention from any lawyer types!