Quote of the night
On the phone: "I have some warts, um, you know, down there where warts don't belong, um, and I need to get rid of them before my boyfriend sees them. If I come in, can you, um, freeze them off or something?"
The vast majority of the things I do on a daily basis merely require opposable thumbs. But the sarcasm..... now THAT'S a gift!
On the phone: "I have some warts, um, you know, down there where warts don't belong, um, and I need to get rid of them before my boyfriend sees them. If I come in, can you, um, freeze them off or something?"
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And did you suggest that she probably got them from the, um, boyfriend?
If she didn't get them from the boyfriend, she is still going to be potentially passing the HPV virus on to him, even without the presence of warts at the time of contact.
Sure, we'll have the dermatologist come in and biopsy it; then you can wait in the lobby for 15-20 days for the results and get that anti-viral cream then we'll freeze them off....
Make sure you bring a sleeping bag, a change of clothes, a water bottle...
Doesn't she think that the, um, boyfriend will notice that she has, um, had some "work" done down there and ask her what's up?
What a nut job!
seconding the 'no'... salute to you scalpel! used to freeze 'em in the service but had to go get the big vat of liquid nitro every day and we don't have it handy in the ER.
I'm almost sorry I wasn't there for that. Thanks for the H20. You rock!
interesting memory,
friend in college with pediculosis pubis aka crabs, (not me, honsetly, or i wouldn't be posting this). he didn't want to go to student health so being the scholar he was he went and bought him some raid ant and roach killer, shaved the nether regions, sprayed thorougly, and showered. turns out it worked. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THIS BUT MERELY POINTING OUT THAT PEOPLE WILL DO SOME CRAZY THINGS WHEN FACED WITH FUNNY THINGS 'DOWN THERE'.
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