Friday, September 7, 2007

Yo, Doc!

There was a bit of discussion last week about whether an RN could/should call Docs by their first names or only refer to them as Dr. Whatever.

I usually go case by case.

But I can tell you for a fact, that if you are a physician, and you are comfortable enough with me to show me the picture on your cellphone of the massive crap you took that morning, I am comfortable enough with you to call you by your first name.

I do, however, have a question regarding cellphone pictures of poo.

I have had the dubious pleasure of seeing several of these pictures in my lifetime. And never, in any of them, was there a scrap of toilet paper visible.

So I have to know. What on earth would make you think that something that came out of your ass was so important that you had to hurry and take a picture of it without even wiping? And why is your cellphone in the can with you, anyway?

Just wondering.


Mousie said...

Now that's just weird!

RealisticRN said...

Sometimes I just wonder about you (and the company you keep.)

Alexis said...

I bet if I think hard enough, I can guess which of my classmates will acquire the poo-snapping drive when they obtain their MDs..... hell, I don't even have to think that hard. Anal in, anal out.

Anonymous said...

"I have had the dubious pleasure of seeing several of these pictures in my lifetime. And never, in any of them, was there a scrap of toilet paper visible."

A fine example of the complex critical thinking skills nurses are known for...


scalpel said...

Sounds like compensation issues to me.

911DOC said...

you may want to google the site 'rate my poo', it's one of schrodinger's cat's favorites.
poop strong.

Joeymom said...

My grandparents had a phone in the bathroom. I never understood it, until recently- installers (like the cable guy) insist that you confirm your appointment, then they call again before heading over to your house for your confirmed appointment to make sure you REALLY wanted that appointment. if you miss the call, they don't come, and you just took a day off of work for nothing. With a phone in the bathroom, you never miss that all-important call. "Yes, m'am, we're just making sure you really, really, really wanted that service you confirmed an appointment for today. Are you home so that the service person can come in the next, oh, three or four hours?" "Yes, thanks..." FLUSH. (then they call again just before the guy leaves his last job...)

Matt G said...

More importantly, next time I have to make a call and that person says "here, use mine," I believe that I'll be declining.

Wrigley said...

Yeah, now that I work in a cell phone store, you wouldn't believe the number of people coming in telling me that they dropped their phone in the toilet. Maybe they're these same sickos. Some won't admit it's the toilet though, and tell me "I dropped my phone in a bucket of water." It's always a bucket of water. So tell me, when was the last time you were carrying a bucket of water and happened to drop your phone in it?