It should be a law
If you weigh over 300 pounds, I don't care how hot it is, you do not have the right to play in the water fountain in a public park in nothing but short-shorts and a white t-shirt.
My eyes are still burning.
The vast majority of the things I do on a daily basis merely require opposable thumbs. But the sarcasm..... now THAT'S a gift!
If you weigh over 300 pounds, I don't care how hot it is, you do not have the right to play in the water fountain in a public park in nothing but short-shorts and a white t-shirt.
My eyes are still burning.
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I'm perfectly willing to drop 100 lbs from your law, unless the individual is male and at least 6'2" tall.
Gee, thanks; even the IMAGINED image hurts.
OK, I will admit that I am over 300 pounds (I'm 6 feet tall, but...) and I can't imagine even WANTING to wear short shorts, much less in public. The white t-shirt in water is right out.
Do you ever wonder what happens to your clothes after you donate them to Goodwill?
lets put an age limit on that, too, shall we?
Ugh, we had two very morbidly obese patients within the span of two days. One is a fairly frequent flyer -- a nurse was telling me how she had to cath her, and her badge and the edge fo her shirt got caught in her pannus flap. I'm sorry but 650 lbs is, like, "I lost lunch/the tv controller/a small child" fat.
Oh holy crap, pass the brain bleach now.
Do people not LOOK at themselves when they get dressed? I mean, I was fat. Fat is fine. It's usually unhealthy, but it isn't indicative of an icky person or anything like that.
But there are only so many people who look good in wet short-shorts and white T-shirts, and most of us over A Certain Age need not apply, regardless of our weights.
Man, I sound old.
Hannah - I'm confused! Admittedly, being a non medical person - I don't understand how she could get her badge and shirt caught in the pt's pannus flap???
Was the nurse lying on top of the pt putting the foley in upside down?
Every time I was cathed this year- the Doc was in the front. And isn't the urethral opening "a lot" lower than the panus?
Help me out here - I am imaging unusual things that give new meaning to being catheterized! :)
Could have been worse, they could have been wearing pink spandex!
I got an eyeful of a woman with a giant ass that resembled a pillowcase full of cottage cheese wearing a thong bikini at the beach yesterday. The view from behind was not pretty, but the view from the front was nauseating (hint: the front of the suit bottoms were not visible). Her pregnant friend in her own teeny bikini was also quite the eyeful. As a fat girl myself, I understand that other people might not be thrilled to see my on the beach in all my glory, so I have a collection of shirtinis with full bust support. They cost $200 apiece, but soooo worth it if it means the people around me won't be in danger of losing their lunch. I'm just considerate like that...
ha-ha-ha !!!! Too true !
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