Friday, May 25, 2007

Public Service Announcement

Attention Homeowners!

If you live in a subdivision, and your lot is less than half an acre, and your lawnmower has a seat....

YOU ARE LAZY!!!!!!!!

Thank you. Have a nice day.


wordwitch said...

Hello, hope you don't mind...I linked you on my site 'cuz I did the meme you did a few posts back. Keep up the fabulous writing!

Jessica said...

Lol! I always get a good laugh when I see someone who has a yard that can like just fit three people in mowing it w/ a riding lawnmower! It probably takes them longer that way because they are unable to turn any way!

Judy said...

You might want to modify that to add "unless you have a serious cardiac condition or multiple bad discs in your back." and perhaps "If you are over 80"

Yes, I know all 3 of those people. None of them is lazy and one got himself off the transplant list (heart) by walking. He just can't quite manage to mow his lawn.

RealisticRN said...

I once took care of a 92 year old woman who broke her hip. Up until that week that she had surgery, she lived by herself AND mowed her own lawn (she did not own a riding lawn mower--I asked...
Judy, that's how you ACQUIRE serious cardiac conditions...sit on your riding lawn mower for 3 square feet of yard!

Joeymom said...

Boy, I thought I was bad because I bought an electric mower, instead of a simle hand mower, for my little splash of grass...

anonymousRN said...

Now, what about those folks who ride their riding lawnmower down the street?