Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Do you ever have one of those days.....

.......where you just want to slap the crap out of every single person you come in contact with?

Today is one of those days.

PMS, thy name is woman. Where the hell's my chocolate?


Antigonos said...

After 40 years in "the business" (midwifery and nursing)I feel that way just about every day--and I haven't had a period in 13 years.

tripleZmom said...

Do you think it's possible for my PMS to start about a week before my period and last for a week after? Because I want to slap people ALL the time.

By the way, I've tagged you here for the Thinking Blogger Award.

CrankyProf said...

Hell, I'm six months opregnant and I feel that way all the damn time.

I think an extraordinary number of people require "brick-slap therapy."

Catherine said...

Can I set some people in line for you to slap? Too many people, not enough time.

mielikki said...

My personal choice is 'pillow therapy'. It makes a great mental image as I grind my teeth and try to make nice.

Angry Nurse said...

Constantly but that's just me..I'm immune to PMS, but for the first time I find myself wondering if it might not have benefits after all!

Miranda5 said...

Ahhh. PMS. Feels like an old friend. An old friend who wasn't a friend, but a bitch and a flake. A friend who always wants "to talk".

I miss pregnancy.

scalpel said...

True story...second year of med school, pharmacology exam. All medications and their indications were equally unknown and mysterious to me back then. Furosemide, digoxin, epinephrine, you name it.

Bonus question at the end of the test, written by my female professor:

"What drug is indicated for the treatment of PMS?"

My answer, because I really didn't know (but I was pretty sure it wasn't digoxin or epinephrine): PLACEBO.

I think that was an unfair question for the males in the class. And no, I didn't get any credit.