Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oh, Dear Lord.

The Queen of Crayzee, self-proclaimed "Advocate of Nurses", and general, all-around PITA, has now got a post up called "Protecting Yourself From Bad Nurses and Physicians".

She says, among other things,

"Nurses enjoy and exploit one of the highest ratings of public trust."


"They are interested in their paychecks, in exerting their power over people, and in serving their own interests."

According to the quotes she has chosen from other blogs, she is no longer supporting the nurses. N=1 is now supporting the drug seekers, drunks, prescription forgers, and in general, the people who are causing a lot of the problems in our healthcare system.

I suppose she says it best in the comments section of her "Naw, just kidding, I wasn't really going away" post:

"I’m all out of interest in supporting or promoting nurses or nursing. "

Thank God. As has been previously stated by one of the real nurses, "We don't want you."

PS: N=1, please stop linking me. I don't want to read your stupid blog. But if you keep linking me, I have to go see what you're saying about me. Can't we just break up? I'm really not that into you anymore. You're just not my type. You'll find someone new, someone who appreciates you for who you are. I'm just not that someone. I'm sorry that it had to end. But you have to stop calling. My mom's worried we'll have to change our phone number....... Oh wait, that was the boyfriend in high school. Sorry. The crayzees get mixed up in my mind sometimes.


Constance said...

The Queen of Crayzee just never stops. And that is he horrifying thing about people like her. Ignorance with a megaphone. Shudder.

God help anyone sane if the media ever takes her ranting as having a modicum of intelligence in it. Because it doesn't.

I'm starting to truly wonder if she ever really was a nurse - worked in a hospital.

None of the nurses have ever worked with or known -- and there have been many and they are excellent -- have ever spoken/or written like she does about what goes on in our hallowed hallways...

It just is odd...
Could I hear an administrator talking like that ? Maybe...

It's just not credible how she rants against nurses...

In addition, her indignation at the MLK thing is too strange.

Once you know the facts, what happenned and why are obvious.

Anyone REALLY working in a hospital understands. Why doesn't N=1 ???

scalpel said...

At first, I'm tempted to say "what a pathetic loser." But then, I reconsider and think of it as nothing more than outlandish entertainment.

If you read a headline "UFO Lands in New York!" it's helpful to consider whether the source is the New York Times or the National Enquirer.

She's the National Enquirer of medblogs. Just pure crayzee fun! We may try not to point and stare at the freak, but it's hard to look away.

scalpel said...

"My normal is so abnormal that I can’t describe it more than as continual waves of terror and despair."

And it all started when that damned Bushitler and his RethugliKKKans stole the election!

Nurse K said...

Eeek, I published my post this morning only to find it to be...nearly the same as this one.

FYI: The 'they're interested in their paychecks' comment seems to be directed only a physicians. Although it's her, so we'll never know what she truly meant.

MonkeyGirl said...

Yeah, I knew the quote was mostly directed at docs. But it was too good a quote to pass up. She does hate the docs, don't she?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she might be decompensating a little...

Anonymous said...

She, well, she makes us lib-tards seem very pathetic. We're not all like her, I swear. :)

Kiki B. said...

Is she related to Michael Moore, or is she Michael Moore? After all, his latest "documentary" is going after the healthcare industry.

Mark p.s.2 said...

funny stuff!!!
"PS: N=1, please stop linking me. I don't want to read your stupid blog. But if you keep linking me, I have to go see what you're saying about me. Can't we just break up? I'm really not that into you anymore. You're just not my type."

Anonymous said...

You must come check out www.sybermoms.com After reading your small print..I can't help myself.