Just in case you were wondering.....
This is my blog:
This is me:
Be back soon. (Of course, I work in an ER, so 'soon' is a relative term.)
The vast majority of the things I do on a daily basis merely require opposable thumbs. But the sarcasm..... now THAT'S a gift!
This is my blog:
This is me:
Be back soon. (Of course, I work in an ER, so 'soon' is a relative term.)
Posted by
Glad 'your alive', and 'feeling better'
Come back soon!
I feel happy!
It's an ED, dammit!
I knew you wouldn't leave us...
Hey, big sis...I'm glad your coming back...just because you're totally awesome my daughter's initials will be MG...or something.
Wow...I've watched that movie so many times and there's still parts in there that I never caught before.
"'e must be a king or sometin."
"Why's that?"
"Cause 'e hasn't got shit all over 'im."
I love Monty Python.
Just a lowly lurker here, perhaps speaking for lotsa other lurkers when I say "So glad you are coming back sometime!" Yay!
add me to the roll of fans who are happy that you are returning to the land of the living blogosphere once again. ;-)
i volunteer to club you on the head.
Welcome back MG!
Did you see GruntDoc quoted the Speaker the other day? We need you back! (He took the quote down after I alerted him as to who it was, but ya know). Stuff's starting to slip.
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