Sunday, September 23, 2007

A new one

Today, a frequent flyer signed in with a complaint of "need more pain medicine".

The average wait at the time was 4 hours. She was obviously relegated to the end of the line. She threw a fit for a few minutes, but we didn't pay much attention...

Until she turned up her insulin pump and passed out from the resulting hypoglycemia.

She got bumped to the front of the line.

Following the resolution of her blood glucose issues, she was discharged sans narcotics prescription.

We'll call it a draw.


mielikki said...

Holy Hell Monkey Girl. They are not supposed to be able to think like that. Obviously she needs more narcotics to kill those last few functioning brain cells.

Joeymom said...

What a freak. Isn't there soem kind of terrorism law to cover that?

Christine said...

Geez. Some people should not be on pumps for sure. What an idiot.

Spook, RN said...

*sigh* "Never underestimate the stupidity of humanity".

beajerry said...

I agree with joeymom: it was an act of terrorism - that, or an act of something threatening and illegal.

Joeymom said...

By the way, I just found an excellent way to get bumped to the front of the line and walk out of my local ER with a prescription for percocet: "Costochondritis". Pain in the chest with no known cause, puts you straight in for an EKG and other fun tests (which of course come back negative), while you can complain about being in pain and get pain meds for it. Apparently I have this, but I didn't know that's what it was, and I wasted a lot of time at the ER this morning. I wouldn't take an aspirin for it, but I walked out with that precious scrip...