I believe that.....
.....if you kill a child in this manner, you should have the same thing done to you.
I believe there is a special place in Hell for people like this.
The vast majority of the things I do on a daily basis merely require opposable thumbs. But the sarcasm..... now THAT'S a gift!
.....if you kill a child in this manner, you should have the same thing done to you.
I believe there is a special place in Hell for people like this.
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That was horrific beyond words. An eye for an eye and immediately is justified in this case. That woman is an applingly unrepentant, dishonest monster. How could she ??? Sick.
We need to bring back more painful ways to kill monsters like this woman. Worrying about whether or not she'd feel pain from lethal injection is just absurd for something like this.
I'll push the buttons. How much time should we give her?
Can we stuff her with live scorpions, first? And baste her in fire ants?
Can we stop calling criminal people sick, why not call them evil. What happened to evil?
to paraphrase c.s. lewis, how boringly similar are all the tyrants and cruel people, how gloriously unique the saints.
this crime, if proven, may make a good lawyer irrelevant. if guilty she should get the chair but will get needle. she will go like a sick dog, perhaps not inappropriate.
amen, and I hope her lawyer goes with her.
wow. just wow.
SDSM...I understand your sentiment, but her lawyer may be a public defender, one of the foundations of this society. The idea of "defending" her is not to "get her off" it's to make sure she has a fair trial, and none of the due process of law is skipped b/c of the horrific nature of her crime.
I don't think that the death penalty should be as kind as lethal injection, the perpetrator should be sentenced to die in the same mannet that they killed. And any idiot that says that the lethal injection is violating someones rights because it is painful should immediately go to the electric chair. Sheesh.
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