Saturday, June 16, 2007

Free Babysitting at Applebees!

What, you're not supposed to give your toddler margaritas?

And mama says they offered her free stuff, but she's not going back. (Wouldn't look right for the lawsuit, you know....)

And just in case you don't have any tequila, how about some horse?


Catherine said...


The Platypus said...

I went to Applebees once: Oklahoma City, 1981. Now it's my neighborhood bistro. Good times.

Ain't we lucky we got 'em...

Constance said...

I knew a UCLA football player who used to give his baby a little beer in his bottle instead of juice so the kid wouldn't cry/would go to sleep easier. Sick.
Of course, the kid grew up to play for the Seattle Seahawks, seemingly none the worse for wear...

The heroin thing is frightening. Those kids could have all died.

Awesome Mom said...

I guess next time we go out to eat I will have to check my kid's drinks.

That heroine one was super scary. I hope that if the heroine did not come from the parents that they will be able to quickly get their kids back.

CardioNP said...

Good thing I was not drinking when I read the headline. Definitely would have spewed!

Had seen the margarita story earlier today, so knew what the headline referred to.

Love your sense of humor.

Kiki B. said...

When I was a teenager and lived in Houston, I was out to eat with my family, and I saw a father pour a bottle of beer into his child's bottle and give it to the kid. The child couldn't have been more than 18 months old. I wish I were the person I am today, I would have been on the phone and calling 911 to report the incident.

IF those parents in the heroin story were the ones with the drugs, what are they teaching their children, if the child thinks the heroin is candy? That situation was really scary. I'm glad none of the kids were seriously injured from the heroin.